Both civil society and industry stakeholders are key to drive public-private collaboration and to detect and address market challenges and supply chain vulnerabilities in and outside the EU. Their presence in the expert groups will ensure that HERA’s activities build further on their input and expertise. Announcing HERA’s calls for application to civil society and industry representatives, Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, said: “HERA is at the epicentre of a strong European Health Union, working for and with Member States to protect citizens from emerging health threats. The expertise and views of civil society and industry are essential in our preparedness and response actions. This is why a close and sustained dialogue with civil society and industry representatives will be established through the HERA Advisory Forum from the very beginning of HERA’s operations. I am counting on them to join and to offer an active and fruitful contribution to our work.” Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, said: "Strong industrial partnerships are a cornerstone of HERA. Building upon the experience from the Commission's Task Force on the industrial scale-up of COVID vaccines, the Joint Industrial Cooperation Forum will help ensure Europe's industrial preparedness for future health emergencies." The HERA Advisory Forum offers HERA scientific and technical advice and exchanges information on preparedness and response in the area of medical countermeasures. It is composed of experts nominated by Member States. The Advisory forum has set up two expert groups, the Civil Society Forum and the Joint Industrial Cooperation Forum, for which the calls for application have been launched.
- Publication date
- 28 March 2022
- Author
- Representation in Cyprus