Problems or complaints? - European Commission
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European Commission Representation in Cyprus

Problems or complaints?

Reporting problems or making complaints

As a citizen or permanent resident of an EU country, you have rights if you live, work or do business in other EU countries. If you have a problem or complaint on any of these rights, the best place to start in many cases is at the national level in the country of the concerned service, government administration or business.

Although you will normally be able to better enforce your rights in your country of residence, the European Union also offers resources that may be able to help you, particularly if it relates to an issue with an EU institution.

At the national level

The Cypriot Ombudsman

Examines complaints from people who feel they have been unfairly treated by a public service provider, including government departments and local authorities. An important responsibility assigned to the Institution is the possibility of ex-officio intervention, where, in its judgment, there is a matter of general interest in relation to the protection of human rights.

Find an ombudsman in another EU country

Find an equality body in another EU country


An informal network created to solve problems which EU citizens or businesses are experiencing with the public administrations of EU member countries and Internal Market rights.

Make a SOLVIT complaint in another EU country

European Consumer Centre Cyprus

Helps to settle complaints between consumers and traders based in different EU countries, as well as in Norway, Iceland and the United Kingdom.

Find a European Consumer Centre (ECC) in another EU country

At the EU level

The European Ombudsman

An independent and impartial body, which holds the EU’s institutions and agencies to account, by investigating complaints from people, businesses and organisations.

Petitions to the European Parliament

Individuals or groups of EU residents, and organisations headquartered in the EU can submit a complaint, request or observation to the European Parliament related to the application of EU law.

Submit a complaint to the European Commission

The Commission can take up a complaint if it concerns a breach of EU law by authorities in an EU country. If a complaint is about the action of an individual or private company, it should be dealt with at the national level.

Business owner complaints

Contact information and how to submit complaints for issues related to unfair competition, unfair government support for competitors or issues with public authorities in other EU countries.


General EU information

Your Europe website

Provides practical information and common EU rules on living and doing business in the EU, including the ‘Your Europe Advice’ service if you can’t find the information you are looking for.

Europe Direct Network

Call and write to, or meet with the EU in Cyprus, and all other EU countries. The call service is available in all EU languages, including English and Greek.