Website of the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus
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European Commission Representation in Cyprus
EU solidarity with Ukraine
The EU stands united in its solidarity with Ukraine and will continue to support Ukraine and its people
NextGen EU
NextGenerationEU is a more than €800 billion temporary recovery instrument to help repair the immediate economic and social damage brought about by the coronavirus pandemic
In a changing world with new challenges, the European Union is focused on staying competitive and prosperous. We're working hard to maintain our leadership globally and to make sure we have control over our own future. Therefore Europe needs to look further ahead and set out how to remain...

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Highlights from our Europe Day 2024 events celebrating the 20 year anniversary of Cyprus' accession to the EU.
To mark the 20 year anniversary of Cyprus entering the EU, the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus commissioned the composition of an original song by Alex Panayi, entitled 'You Are Not Alone'.
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college of commissioners
On 18 July 2024, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who was elected for a second mandate, presented to the European Parliament her Political Guidelines for the next European Commission 2024-2029.