European Union fact check - European Commission
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European Commission Representation in Cyprus

European Union fact check

Being a part of the European Union has helped improve almost every aspect of Cypriot life, from how we work, travel and shop to the quality of our environment, our opportunities for learning and the way our businesses buy and sell goods and services.

This unique political and economic alliance is also the most successful peace project in history, but despite its many successes the European Union has been the subject of myths that sometimes cause concern.

However, these myths are easily debunked when you have the facts so let’s discover the truth about your European Union.

For more information on EU actions to fight disinformation, see:

EUvsDisinfo - the flagship project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force

EUvsDisinfo on Ukraine

Toolkit for teachers - Spot and fight disinformation

The 2022 Code of Practice on Disinformation 

Coronavirus response - Fighting disinformation

What is the risk of COVID-19 infection from food products? Is the agri-food industry taking measures to avoid that the food they produce or distribute is contaminated by the virus? Find here the answers to your questions and more.