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European Commission Representation in Cyprus
  • News announcement
  • 22 July 2022
  • Representation in Cyprus
  • 1 min read

Commissioner Kyriakides participates in the Summit of ‘First Ladies and Gentlemen’

Tomorrow, Commissioner Stella Kyriakides will participate in the ‘First Ladies and Gentlemen Summit’, a teleconference event hosted for the second time by the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska.

Read-out of the weekly meeting of the von der Leyen Commission by Frans Timmermans, Stella Kyriakides and Virginijus Sinkevičius on the Nature Restoration Law and the Commission’s proposal to halve the use of pesticides by 2030

This year, bringing together high-level participants from around the world online, the Summit will be dedicated to the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Three categories of guests will participate in the event: first ladies and gentlemen from different countries of the world; representatives of international organizations (WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, etc.) and celebrities – singers, actors, directors, representatives of other sectors. The Summit will be divided into four thematic panel discussions: temporarily displaced persons; children and education; the physical and mental recovery of Ukrainians, and ultimately women, their role in decision-making in the field of defence, post-war reconstruction of the country and, in particular, in information technology. The main studio will be located in Ukraine. Four other studios will be located in Brussels, Warsaw, London and Washington. Commissioner Kyriakides will be present in Brussels. As part of the Summit, a fundraiser for ambulances was launched.


Publication date
22 July 2022
Representation in Cyprus