Tenders and contracts - European Commission
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European Commission Representation in Cyprus

Tenders and contracts

The European Commission centralises the publication of two types of procurement notices through the online tendering portal (Tenders Electronic Daily-TED).

  • Open calls for EU Member countries, candidate countries, European Economic Area (EEA) countries and Switzerland: public works, supplies and services, and utilities contract notices
  • Open calls for the EU institutions, agencies and other bodies: public works, supplies and services, calls for expression of interest and the annual list of contractors

European public tenders (TED)

Tenders for EU institutions (TED-eTendering)

More tenders on the funding and tenders portal (SEDIA)

Tenders published by the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus

The Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus publishes a number of calls for tender every year. Details of any open calls for tender can be found below.

Visit our Tenders and contracts page for information about the tendering process and opportunities for doing business with the European Commission.







The Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus is looking to recruit an Information and Communication Agent.

Application deadline: 20 September 2024

For more information please click here for the Call for Expression of Interest and the Job Description.

Please note that only selected candidates will be required to register and then successfully pass the Contract Agents Selection Tool (CAST)




CALL FOR TENDERS: Multiple framework contract for impact assessments, evaluations and related studies and services in the field of communication EC-COMM/2024/OP/0325

The European Commission will award two framework contracts, one for studies and the other for specific evaluation methods – with a total estimated value of EUR 30 million.

All documents are available in the Funding & Tenders Portal (F&T Portal) at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/tenderdetails/818c79ba-c2bf-4092-be52-e0494f0ea667-CN

The deadline for the submission of offers was 18 June 2024, 23:59.



The European Commission published in the Official Journal of the OJ S: 2023/S 188 ( 29/09/2023) an open call for tender for Services related to audio-visual and multimedia content for the European Commission Representation in Cyprus with number (Notice number 589655).

The procurement documents are available at  https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=14359

The deadline for submitting tenders was 27 October 2023 at 18:00 UCT +03:00 



The European Commission published in the Official Journal of the EU OJ S: 2023/S 189 ( 02/10/2023) an open call for tender for Cleaning services for the premises of the EU House in Nicosia with number (Notice number 591581)

The procurement documents are available at  https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=15576

The deadline for submitting tenders is 5 November 2023 at 18:00 UCT +03:00


The European Commission published in the Official Journal of the EU OJ S 076 on 18 April 2023, an open call for tender for Cleaning services for the premises of the EU House in Nicosia with (Notice number 230542).

Tender reference number: COMM/NIC/2023/OP/0128

Those who wish to participate can send in their request until May 15, 2023 before 18:00 local time through the following link: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=14085


Calls for tenders of the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus:

The Representation of the European Commission (EC Rep) in Cyprus is seeking to set up and maintain an Environmental Legal Register and a Compliance Assessment Tool. To this end a tender shall be launched in the near future.

Those interested can express their interest in the competition until 10 April 2023 00:00 (Cyprus time), through the following link: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=13926


Vacant post for contract staff: 

The European Commission Representation in Cyprus is looking to recruit an Information and Communication agent.

Application deadline: 19.08.2022

For more information please click the link below AMI - GFII - NI.pdf (europa.eu)


The European Commission published in the Official Journal of the EU OJ S 221 (16 November 2022) a restricted call for tender for Guarding and Reception services for the European Parliament Office and the European Commission Representation in Nicosia with number (Notice number 635403)

Those who wish to participate can send in their request until December 13, 2022  before 12:59 local time through the following link: 



In the framework of its information and communication activities, the European Commission Representation (EC Rep) in Cyprus is seeking an experienced Information Point Officer (IPO), who will provide daily information service to citizens. The IPO will ensure qualified coordination and communication services of the Information Point in the public space of EU House.

To this end a tender shall be launched in the near future. Those interested can express their interest in the competition until July 15, 2022 before 23:59, through the following link: https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=11114


ED-Cyprus-2022. The European Commission, via its Representation in Cyprus, is launching a call for proposals to select a new partner to run EUROPE DIRECT in 2022-2025 in Cyprus with a focus on bi-communal (Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot) activities. The relevant documents are available here. Deadline date: 06 April 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time


Selection of partners to carry out EUROPE DIRECT activities in Cyprus (2021-2025) – Call for proposals ED-CY-2020. The relevant documents are available at: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/ed-cy-2020. Deadline 15 October 2020 17:00 Brussels time. 

European public procurement guidelines

Information on the types of EU tendering procedures and rules, how to bid for a contract and how to request the review of a public procurement procedure within the EU.