The Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus has the mandate to:
- Support the President and the whole Commission in their interaction with Cyprus
- Promote permanent political dialogue with the national, regional and local authorities, parliaments, social partners, other stakeholders, academia and civil society. The Representation prepares and supports visits by Members of the College and by senior officials of the Commission and, as appropriate, of the European External Action Service
- Act as the Commission’s voice in Cyprus and communicate about the EU to media and on social media, maintaining direct contacts with national, regional and local media and offering press and media services to them
- Engage with citizens, academia, civil society, social partners and other stakeholders, and organise communication, dialogue and other outreach activities about EU priorities and policies, including in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe
- Provide country knowledge, analysis and advice on the political, economic and social developments in Cyprus to the President and the Commission with a view of informing EU policy making and political communication
The work of the Representations is complemented by Europe Direct centres, which provide information and communicate to citizens at regional and local level across the EU.
The Commission has Representations in the capitals of all 27 EU Member States, as well as Regional Offices in Barcelona, Bonn, Marseille, Milan, Munich and Wroclaw. They work closely with the European Parliament Liaison Offices (EPLO) in Member States.

About the Representation website
Through this dedicated website, the European Commission provides a wide range of content in English, Greek, Turkish. This includes:
- Details of public-facing events in Cyprus
- News and information on key EU policies and programmes, and how these policies are implemented in Cyprus
- Access to in-country press team, social media channels, newsletter and information alerts
- How to contact and engage with the EU both locally and at EU-wide level
- Onward links to other useful EU-level information, such as business supports, funding and tendering opportunities and working and living in the EU.