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European Commission Representation in Cyprus
  • News article
  • 22 November 2023
  • Representation in Cyprus
  • 5 min read

2022 was the second-worst year for wildfires, a warning from a changing climate

In 2022, nearly 900 000 ha of land burnt in the EU, according to the new report Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2022, published today by the Commission's Joint Research Centre.

EU assistance to combat forest fires in France

In 2022, nearly 900 000 ha of land burnt in the EU, according to the new report Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2022, published today by the Commission's Joint Research Centre. This corresponds to roughly the size of Corsica. Since monitoring through the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) started in 2000, 2022 is the second-worst year – the worst being 2017 with 1.3 million ha of burnt land.

For a third year in a row, unprecedented wildfire events cause large environmental and economic damage in the EU and tragic loss of life. While most of the fires (96%) are caused by human actions, they are aggravated by increased fire danger conditions driven by climate change.

Fires also impacted Natura 2000 sites, the EU's biodiversity reservoir, accounting for about 43% of the total burnt area (approximately 365 000 ha out of the 900 000 ha burnt)The total burnt land in Natura 2000 protected areas in 2022 is the highest in a decade, according to the report.

It is a warning signal of what global warming can bring about in the coming years, as temperatures increase, and droughts become more pronounced in many European countries.  Thanks to prevention measures put in place by the EU and its Member States and the enhanced preparedness and firefighting operations of the fire management services, the number of casualties in 2022 was contained.

Prevention measures must target all sectors of the population, including rural actors in direct contact with natural areas, as well as the enlarged population segment that lives in the so-called wildland urban interface (WUI), where built settlements are either inside or adjacent to wildland vegetation. Most of the fires occur in the WUI, as they are set by human actions, and simultaneously most affect this population in areas at high risk of wildfires. 

Data for 2023 shows that so far, wildfires have already burned about 500 000 ha of natural land in the EU. This includes the largest single wildfire (Alexandroupolis, Greece) recorded in the EU, with over 96 000 ha burnt. This year saw again rampant wildfires, difficult to contain by traditional firefighting for their high temperatures, intensity and speed. They were put under control only when meteorological conditions improved, allowing firefighters to tackle the blazes. Other critical wildfires in the EU occurred in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece.

In the last three years, wildfires raged from west to east and across northern, central and southern European countries. The high frequency and intensity of wildfires in the summer puts EU's fighting services under unprecedented conditions of fire danger in which, often, aerial firefighting loses its effectiveness and ground firefighting is difficult or impossible. The trend of these unprecedented fires occurs not only in Europe, but also across the globe.

The publication of the report takes place in the context of the presentation, by the Commission, of a Forest Monitoring Law that will plug existing gaps in the information on European forests and create a comprehensive forest knowledge base.


The European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) provides harmonised information on forest fires and assess their effects in the pan-European region with the support of Commission services. The EFFIS network gathers 43 countries within the EU and in the neighbourhood which contribute with information on wildfires. It is also a platform for exchange of good practices on fire prevention, firefighting, restoration and other fire management activities.

Since 2015 EFFIS is one of the components of the Emergency Management Services in Copernicus, the EU Earth observation programme which provides information on the planet and its environment from both satellite monitoring and in situ data.

The EU continues to work on measures to mitigate the impact of wildfires. The EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change aims to support prevention of and preparedness for the unavoidable impacts of climate change, while the EU Forest Strategy sets the basis for enhanced fire prevention and climate resilience of our forests, building on the guidelines for prevention of wildfires and increased monitoring.

These guidelines call for the management of vegetation to avoid the continuity and accumulation of fuels on the ground, facilitating firefighting interventions if wildfires occur. Reduction of wildfire ignitions, caused in its majority, by human actions, and planning and management of the landscape are the two main lines that EU scientists recognise as key to reduce wildfire risk.

In 2021, the EU reinforced its capacity in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) to increase the aerial firefighting means at its disposal and to assist countries during the 2022 fire season. In 2022, the Commission's President Ursula von der Leyen committed to double this firefighting capacity in 2023. The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism coordinates this reinforced capacity.

The support of the Joint Research Centre through its early warning and monitoring systems and the provision of timely information on ongoing wildfires enables informed decision making to dispatch those aerial means funded by the EU.

For More Information

Report: Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2022

European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS)

Proposal for a Forest Monitoring Law


Wildfires are becoming ever more frequent and cause more damage. This is a clear sign of the catastrophic impacts of climate change. We are reinforcing our prevention measures and building the capacities to respond to wildfires. The Joint Research Centre’s data and analyses are crucial in this effort.

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth - 22/11/2023


As the climate crisis worsens, the destructive wildfires we saw this summer will only continue to get more frequent and intense. Europe must be prepared for this dangerous new reality. This year we were proven correct in anticipating the scale in the wildfire season, and I am proud we have managed to strengthen the EU Civil Protection Mechanism by doubling our rescEU firefighting fleet and starting to pre-position firefighters from across Europe to the most extreme predicted wildfire sites. But building response capacity is simply not enough: most of all we need to step up prevention and mitigation efforts to lessen the impact of wildfires. Every possible action taken today will ensure we are ready for the longer, more deadly wildfire seasons of tomorrow.

Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management - 22/11/2023


Publication date
22 November 2023
Representation in Cyprus