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European Commission Representation in Cyprus
Famagusta Gate
Activities of the Representation in Cyprus

Activities in 2024

A summary of our recent activities in 2024

Speech at launch of PREVENT Programme 6 June 2024

Europe Direct centres from Greece visit Cyprus 5-8 June 2024

Renegade in Action Parkour Competition 2/6/24

Supporting the Makers Fair 2/6/24

Supporting Cyprus Pride 1/6/24

Celebrating Europe Day in the Turkish Cypriot community 24/5/24

Visit from Ohio State University students to EU House May 2024

‘You are Not Alone’ original song commissioned by the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus

Europe Day Festival 11/5/24

Reception at EU House to mark Europe Day 09/5/24

Local councillors visit the European Commission 22-23/4/24

Study visit of young diplomats from Cyprus to the European Commission 23/4/24

Scyence Fair 2024 17/4/24

Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius visited Cyprus 15/4/24

Stella Kyriakides in Cyprus 11-14/4/24

Vice President Margaritis Schinas in Cyprus 22/3/24

Ms Zambarta at World Consumer Day event 15/3/24

Bicommunal group of high school students visit Brussels 13-14/3/24

International Women's Day event on refugee women co-organised with UNHCR Cyprus 8/3/24

Leopoldo Rubinacci, Deputy Director-General of the DG for Trade in Cyprus 4-7 March 2024

Inauguration of the new EU Infopoint in the Turkish Cypriot community 27/2/24

Media freedom in the Turkish Cypriot community 23/2/24

Effective Communication Training for Europe Direct centres 22/02/24

Press conference on the EU elections 13/2/24

Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, visits Cyprus 2/2/24

Nikos Isaris at the Green and Sustainable Finance Conference in Nicosia, 18/1/24

Ylva Johansson visits Pournara 9/1/24

Commissioner Ylva Johansson in Cyprus 9/1/24

Activities of 2023

A summary of our recent activities in 2023

Myrto Zambarta speaking at the 2nd Annual RRF event 14/12/23

Bicommunal press visit to Brussels 4/12/23

Progressing in Green Transition event 1/12/23

Nikos Isaris at the Regional Forum for Blue Skills 1/12/23

Orange the world 25/11/23

Mental Health in Sports event 17/11/23

Isabelle Pérignon, Director for Consumers in Cyprus 8/11/23

Joint visit to Brussels for Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot translators and interpreters 9-13 October

Our Head, Myrto Zambarta at the Europa Nostra award ceremony for Hambis Tsangaris 11/10/12

Commissioner Stella Kyriakides at the 19th Europa Donna march 7/10/23

Commissioner Stella Kyriakides at POGO event 6/10/23

Deputy Head Nikos Isaris addresses the Cyprus Forum 30/9/23

Launch of Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU 6/7/23

European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders in Cyprus 6/5/23

Graduates Bootcamp at the European University of Cyprus 30/6/23

Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental & Resource Economists 27/6/23

Meeting with Accept-LGBTI Cyprus 23/6/23

Commissioner Kyriakides visits Mammography Centre in Paphos 22/6/23

Make Music Cyprus Festival 21/6/23

European Year of Skills action plan launch 2/6/23

Bicommunal First Lego League Discover/Explore event 28/5/23

Support for Cyprus Pride 27/5/23

Europe Day in Nicosia 13/5/23

Raising of the EU flag in Eleftheria Square: Europe Day 9/5/23

Europe Day in Limassol 7/5/23