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European Commission Representation in Cyprus
  • Press release
  • 23 March 2022
  • Representation in Cyprus
  • 2 min read

EU cohesion policy: Commission adopts the first Interreg cooperation programmes for the 2021-2027 period worth more than €481 million

The first Interreg programmes of the 2021-2027 programming period have just been adopted by the Commission covering three European Territorial Cooperation programmes, involving an investment of worth more than €481 million.

Press conference by Nicolas Schmit, and Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioners, on the launch of the platform Kohesio ahead of the 8th Cohesion Forum

Programmes approved are the ‘Interreg Central Europe', the ‘Interreg Austria - Germany (Bavaria)' and the ‘Interreg Germany (Bavaria) - Czechia'. The budget will be allocated in line with the EU priorities of a smart, green and inclusive Europe.

Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, said: “I am glad to see that the first Interreg programmes of the period 2021-2027 are now adopted. Cooperation is at the heart of the European project and Interreg is transforming this spirit into concrete actions on the ground. Interreg programmes illustrate the essence and strength of EU integration: by funding close cooperation in border regions and across Member States, they help citizens to tackle common challenges together, rather than having to face them in isolation.

Details on the approved Interreg programmes

  • The Interreg Central Europe has a total programme allocation of €280.7 million. Half of this budget will be allocated to green investments, such as increasing energy efficiency, adaptation to climate change or the greening of urban mobility while almost one third will support competitiveness and innovation capacities in Central Europe. The programme will also focus on improving transport connections of rural and peripheral regions and improve governance for integrated territorial development.
  • The Interreg Austria - Germany (Bavaria) will have a total allocation of €76.9 million focusing on five priorities: future-proof economy; resilient environment; sustainable tourism; integrated regional development and cross-border governance. Almost one third of its budget will be used for the development of research and innovation capacities while more than one fifth will be invested in climate-related measures.
  • The Interreg Germany (Bavaria) - Czechia receives an allocation of €123.8 million. Almost one third of the budget will support culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation. Other priorities for investments include the protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure as well as improving equal access to inclusive and quality services in education.

Next steps

All interested stakeholders in the concerned territories are invited to closely follow the upcoming calls for projects, which will be published on the programmes' websites.


Historically, the centre of Europe suffered from economic disparities and Interreg is particularly well placed to build bridges between regions and people. Interreg will contribute to make the concerned regions more developed while implementing the EU green and digital transition.

For the programming period 2021- 2027, the 6th generation of Interreg has a total budget of almost €10 billion. Interreg is built around four strands: cross-border (Interreg A), transnational (Interreg B), interregional (Interreg C) and integration of Outermost Regions in their neighbouring environment (Interreg D).

More information

European Territorial Cooperation

Interreg Central Europe Programme

Interreg Austria – Germany (Bavaria) Programme

Interreg Germany (Bavaria)/ Czechia Programme

Q&A EU Cohesion Policy


Publication date
23 March 2022
Representation in Cyprus