The Commission welcomes the efforts of the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage (TCCH) in advancing the digitalisation of cultural heritage of Cyprus.
The recovery and reconstruction of cultural heritage is an important step towards the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the affected communities. The protection of cultural heritage can be a force for peace and when intersected with digital technology can stimulate dialogue, foster understanding and connect communities.
Director General for Structural Reform Support, Mario Nava, said: “Digital transition is accelerating and impacting all spheres of society, including cultural heritage. The digitalisation of monuments can foster connectivity and inclusion of divided communities. I consider this very important in the case of Cyprus where we will create union through online accessibility to a shared cultural past. We must continue our efforts and I encourage particularly the youth to use this digital tool to challenge divisive narratives and use their voice to stimulate understanding of cultural heritage among those in their lives.”
The digital cultural heritage project is an integral component of the work of the TCCH. Since 2012, the European Commission has contributed to this work with over EUR 24 million, through the European Union Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community aiming for the island’s reunification. Thanks to a long-standing partnership with UNDP, the TCCH has restored, conserved, structurally supported or physically protected over 100 cultural heritage sites across the island.
- Publication date
- 21 October 2022
- Author
- Representation in Cyprus