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European Commission Representation in Cyprus
  • Press release
  • 17 February 2022
  • Representation in Cyprus
  • 1 min read

Commissioner Kyriakides in Cyprus to Promote the European Health Union, EU Vaccines Strategy, and Farm to Fork Strategy

Tomorrow, 18 February, Stella Kyriakides,Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, will be in Nicosia, Cyprus, where she will meet with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ioannis Kasoulides, and Minister of Health, Michalis Hadjipantelas.

Weekly College meeting of the von der Leyen Commission, 08/02/2022

Discussions with the Minister for Health will focus on the latest COVID-19 situation and the roll-out of the national vaccination campaign in Cyprus, as well as at the European and global levels, in addition to the way forward on the proposals under the European Health Union. The meeting will be followed by a visit to the children’s vaccination centre at the Latsia Health Centre. Commissioner Kyriakides will also deliver a keynote speech at the event ‘From Farm to Fork: food safety’, hosted by the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol to mark the occasion of Cyprus submitting its CAP Strategic Plan. This will take place alongside the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Mr Costas Kadis. On Saturday, 19 February, the Commissioner will participate in a high-level Conference co-organised by the Glafkos Clerides Institute and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.


Publication date
17 February 2022
Representation in Cyprus